Suck it! Although my hatred for you continues to boil over the Kombucha fiasco, where you so bluntly lied about getting drunk off Kombucha, I have found Peace of mind in a new local Kombucha product. I guess there were some positives to the suffering I (and many many others ) had to endure because of you, as kombucha's were taken off the shelves and retested over and over again for alcohol levels.
Anyway I am really in to the new Healing Springs Raw Kombucha, they are super good! They don't have any bitter aftertaste and the probiotics culture clumps (which tend to gross me out a bit) are limited : ) I am pretty excited about them being made locally in central California and all. Yay!

If you touch my Kombucha Lindsay I will hunt you down and beat you up the old fashion way.
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