Friday, May 21, 2010


I keep dreaming of large playful koi fish. This is the only thing I can remember dreaming of night after night. I'm in the forest with friends dear to me and the water begins to rise from a small pond. A large koi (the size of a dolphin) comes up and rubs up next to me swimming off urging me to grab on. The water continues to rise at a much quicker rate. I swim to the top of a tree to get a better view of what is occurring. Below me there are gigantic playful koi fish and I keep swimming under water to play with them. I can't breathe underwater but it doesn't seem like I need to. There are a few playful fish that come in and out of contact with me but for the most part there is a steady stream of emotionless fish. I avoid them at all cost (almost a fear) and continue to look for the playful fish until I wake up.

I think this dream holds significances for me. I always admire the koi fish in a effort to strive to be more peaceful. I have used the koi fish as a spiritual guide when I am in my reflective state. I researched the meaning online and I found this to be fairly interesting.

Psychological Meaning: Fish can represent insights into the unconscious. (The unconscious is represented by the sea). Jung said that fish are often symbols used by the dream to describe psychic happenings or experiences that suddenly dart out of the unconscious and have a frightening or redeeming effect. Fish caught in a net and brought to the surface may represent insights emerging into the light of consciousness. Fish are also a common symbol of fertility. Your dream may be indicating that you are experiencing a period of personal growth. Fish are a product of the emotions and intuition as opposed to the materialistic earthbound approach to life.


  1. one of my favorite videos, Desiree:

    -- emalious joe
