Highlights of the weekend (I will make sure to add pictures soon)
The 20 hours of Friend (driving) Time to the convergence and back
A very short visit with my family
Lots of creative space to brainstorm - The wonderful student organizers from CSSC at UCSD made us feel so welcomed and threw a kick ass party!
My Note book- I wrote down so many amazing ideas I can't wait to get working on all of them!
Stick Ball - My team won! (mostly because Tyler and Ryan were on my team and we made up the game) It was my first game as a team caption winning. to bad I couldn't organize that good when I was caption of worst Lacrosse team in the nation.
Winning a public dance off
-- Tyler called my moves money ; )
Nina's camera and mini guitar she's letting me barrow - the entire car ride I was either trying to playing the guitar, dressing up Nina ( including the hair cut I gave her in the car!), and taking pictures. Pretty much with out Nina I would have gone stir crazy!
Smoking and Cooking with Jared - Jared was the convergence coordinator for the CSSC , he did an amazing job. I know from personal experience, Tyler and I shared the same job last fall and we were zombies that entire weekend. I wanted to make sure Jared was as comfortable as possible when he got home. I busted out a gourmet meal in like 20 mins and feed all the wonderful organizers and we drank great tasting IPA and smoked a few bowls of my smoking blend. It was a good night.
Bring all bike and my art supplies from back home
Nina's beautiful house and trying on vintage dresses with her :)
Scaring Kenny awake Sunday morning
and teaching Andrew the art of herbal cigarette rolling