A personal preference of public interest... I do the creative research so you don't have too! : D
Monday, November 29, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Lets Fast Forward - Lets Rewind

Lets Fast Forward
Lets re-wind
Lets bring back true love this time
Do you remember the perfect garden together
When we created such beautiful things
In our humanly bodies as Adam and Eve?
You made a perfect tree
and told me to stay
because you were afraid that I would stray
I didn't think that was fair
and when I ate the apple
you banished me away
Years later you came back as Caesar
and I as Cleopatra
I had a secret... I found the best player
Mark Antony and I had a perfect plan
I was going to steal your heart
and he was going to take you apart
but something grew inside me and you
something only true love could do
Mark Antony was mad
and felt like we had ruined his perfect plan
he killed you in front of me
and that's when I knew
we had to teach the world to love too
We kept trying to get it right
leaving lots and lots of clues
but every time I got close
The world would take me away from you
but Mark Antony taught us the best lesson of all
that love will always prevail
He showed it to us through movies
He brought it to us through cartoons
He kept the knowledge going
And when fear faced it self
He was able to save me and you <3
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Recycle art - Clip of the Day -
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Capitalism vrs Socialism : A Facebook debate : D

A conversation that occurred over facebook on 10 August that made me smile : D
Nina Mautner Posts
Isn't that nice, I love to see all the money going to the well deserving rich. They at least know what to do with it, rather than those idiotic local government members who don't know anything about what is right for their community...seriously though, whoever thinks that high fructose corn syrup and cigarettes are bad...
See more
Op-Ed Columnist - America Goes Dark - NYTimes.com
With infrastructure and education crumbling, we’re on the unlit, unpaved road to nowhere.
10 August at 10:12 · Like
Ilya Baykin There's totally a silver lining to the shitstorm of near-collapsingness engulfing our fair nation:
Fewer school days means more time to play.
Fewer cops means there no one to catch you stealing tv's when your unemployment runs out.
Less jail money means non-violent offenders aren't going to be locked up anymore, leaving them free to steal tv's when they can't find jobs, with no cops to catch them. The pawn shops are going be well stocked for the next few years!
Did I mention that the impending budget collapse of regulatory authority is sure to lead to the experiment in lassez-faire Ubermensch-driven capitalism that the liberty-lover demographic has been angling for ever since Ayn Rand told them to think of themselves as Atlases? It'll be hilarious!
10 August at 10:12 · Like
Nina Mautner Aweseome!
10 August at 11:56 · Like
Desirée Goehner whattt?? you mean you don't like being part of a consumeristic capitalist society were the rich get richer while the idea of the greater good of society is completely thrown away disregarded... tisk tisk tisk
10 August at 22:37 · Like
Ilya Baykin Au contraire - it's not that the would-be Atlases throw away the idea of the greater good. It's just that they're terribly mistaken about what makes for greater good. There's nothing wrong with being part of a consumeristic capitalist society - it's hardly the last possible evolution of a democracy, and I can think of many worse societies besides. There's something wrong with being a helpless consumption unit trapped in a rigged pretend-capitalist scheme which is being sold to you as Freedom(tm). For more detailed ranting, come to my seminar, EconHist 316: How Finance and the Reagan Playbook Killed America, coming to a smoke-filled kitchen near you starting Summer 2011.
11 August at 00:04 · Like
Desirée Goehner you should watch the full version of this and realize why we shouldn't be consuming mindlessly. We are destroying everything so we can buy things. So yeah, there is an issue with being in this current state of society because as of now we continue to make minimal efforts to protect our resources and people all over this world....
11 August at 09:08 · Like · 1 person
Desirée Goehner more immediate action is required
11 August at 09:12 · Like
Ilya Baykin A change in consumer culture is obviously needed. Please, though, rest assured that I went to your school, and am, to my great dismay, coming back to it, and thus require no brain-cleansing on the subject. I just happen to find the whole game funny, hence the tone of my commentary.
11 August at 09:29 · Like
Ilya Baykin Also, like most people who never knew a system worse than this one, you missed the point that a non-consumption-based economy can be far worse for the environment - the former Soviet Union is in far worse shape that the US. The tragedy of the commons is typically more tragic under communism.
11 August at 09:32 · Like
Desirée Goehner In the "The tragedy of the Commons" hardin accounts for people being individual social actors. He disregards communication, collaboration, and the importance of community, which are all very important aspects of a high functioning society. ...
See more
11 August at 09:47 · Like
Ilya Baykin How are we defining "socialism"?
11 August at 11:44 · Like
Desirée Goehner as Marx originally intended before it was slaughtered by others interpretations.
11 August at 13:43 · Like
Ilya Baykin Yes, and who'll be calculating the use-value of production in the absence of markets? Me? You? Really smart people that know everything?
11 August at 17:02 · Like
Nina Mautner Yes. :P
11 August at 21:57 · Like
Friday, November 12, 2010
I need a new sustainable shoe

I loved my high top converse
When I look back and reflect
They bring me back the the simple days
When I would just love, laugh, and play
They were the shoes that got me through my journey
I loved lord of the rings and my schedule was too busy
There was no time to worry and no time to fear
and back in the day they used to be made in the USA!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
They say my deep set philosophical issues are from my father
Recovery Art

Cool ways to make ordiments that last as year long decorations!! I am thinking I am going to make a super cute earthy one next!
Just look around your house for fun thing to add!!

New hoop design : D

My catie made me this <3 Its her cool new hair clip designs there like 5 bucks if you want one from her : D

This is for you because I thought you liked dinosaurs ; D
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
mount sims - restless
When you left me at 19 I played this song for weeks straight because I wanted to do what ever I could to never forget you
I like learning lessons the hard way so you don't have too, I think it is more fun that way but that is just my opinion : D
some times it works and I live for that thrill ; D
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
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