When time has no meaning, we begin to feel withdrawn...
a realization that there in no continuing factor that propels us to the future.
The state of mind and state of being are challenged by this true illusion,
as we come closer to our cycle of destruction,
whether this be in the forest by the last tree
and when the forester cries his last woeful cry of "timber",
humans themselves will find the path to escape our true destiny.
This happens as we continue to fall into the corporate leaders hands
we do as we are told and tell as we do
trapped in the thoughts of no escape
a star glistens in the guiled night
and here lies the salvation of man
a space craft that takes him away from the land, the earth is left for scraps.
Presance of time has once again eluded that new will come
but is it progression
a forward motion
it is through this illusion that we do find comfort, but why?