I like this picture I took : )
A personal preference of public interest... I do the creative research so you don't have too! : D
Corruption Destruction Why may I ask? To whom should we kill? What right do we have? To take a life WHY? Should a living thing Be turned into a meal Faced with obliteration Of creatures of all kind STOP The massacre Give life a chance Stop dancing in romance Of deceit and force fed lies Join one another in peace SPEAK UP For those whose voices Can not be heard And try to reach out Force yourself to give in BE CRUELTY FREE For the sake of all living things Freedom for All ~Day~ |
Yerba santa
After experimenting with yerba santa by its self I started feeling some intresting effects. I was able to reduce my colds streath, I noticed saw an increase in mental simulation, it was an anti depressent when smoked in the morning with tea. my throat stayed clear for the most part and it decreased congestion. Some side effects it was a little hard on the lungs with the cough but that may have been a good thing. I also noticed that I would get light headed and a bit dazed. Another effect was slight movement of stationary objects after smoking a lot all day, this could have been demed as some sort of halucination.